New Years 2013

What happened in 2012?

  • My wife and I had our first child. I can’t make up my mind on if these past nine months have been the longest or quickest of my life. Either way, they have been the most rewarding.
  • Visited Albania, where my daughter’s great-grandmothers were both able to meet her. That was incredible.
  • Business had many ups (record traffic, revenue, and the launch of PeekAnalytics) and downs (Hurricane Sandy took out our servers and hit us hard; I also lost two memorable employees), but overall, it was the most accomplished year of my professional life and I feel very good about 2013.
  • My 2012 new years resolution was to lose ~20lbs and keep it off for good – and I accomplished that goal. How? My doctor and I dubbed my diet “Atkinsonian,” in that I eat very few carbs from Monday through Thursday, and I eat whatever I want on Friday through Sunday. Another bonus, my LDL cholesterol is down 60 points and I have more energy.
  • Our cat, Tefta, passed away. She was my birthday gift to Kejda in May 2007. We sort of rescued Tefta from a crazy cat lady (picture a 1br apartment with at least 40 cats). We estimate that she lived to some age between 10 and 12. We miss her and her calm and generous temperament.
  • Spent a lot of time studying the decline and fall of the Roman republic and empire. (url1) (url2) (url3)
  • Moved back to downtown Manhattan (after a one year experiment in the Upper West Side).
  • Sites I started reading every day: ZeroHedge and Marginal Revolution.
  • Favorite restaurants we discovered this year: Matilda, Da Mikele, Villa Mosconi.
  • My resolution for 2013: no excuses.

    My Wife and I Launched a New Startup Today

    For the past nine months, Kejda and I (but mostly Kejda) have been working on a new start-up venture. Even though we just launched today, we’re already experiencing a positive ROI. We’re in this one for the long-term but we definitely expect rapid growth.

    Her name is Rosamund Louise Hussey and after we pulled an all-nighter, she was launched at 2:51 PM today, weighing in at a healthy 6 lbs and 15.8 ounces. And we love her very much.