Techcrunch TV – Discussing PeekYou with Andrew Keen

Andrew Keen interviewing me on May 23, 2011, backstage at Techcrunch Disrupt.

Questions Andrew asks:

1) What does PeekYou do?

2) What’s different about a web indexed around people rather than today’s Web or yesterday’s Web?

3) So it’s a more effective or more sophisticated Google search?

4) How does your platform fit into the real-time social web of Twitter and Facebook?

5) What about people, perhaps like myself, who don’t want to be Peeked at?

6) What does your company tell us about the way in which the Internet is changing? Is it becoming, as Sean Parker told us in the Social Network, is the place we really live now? is now a top-500 US website

Last night, our team celebrated the ascension of PeekYou into the ranks of the top-500 US websites (according to

Many fellow startup entrepreneurs, partners, advisors, investors and members of the press turned out for the event. The most common and gratifying compliment I heard from the attendees was in reference to just how nice the people on our team are. We’re a tight-knit group and everyone genuinely gets along with each other and I am proud to see that shine through.

And for those who couldn’t make it this time, we’re planning to do it again, only bigger, when we become a top-250 website (this fall?).