What happened in 2012?
My wife and I had our first child. I can’t make up my mind on if these past nine months have been the longest or quickest of my life. Either way, they have been the most rewarding.
Visited Albania, where my daughter’s great-grandmothers were both able to meet her. That was incredible.
Business had many ups (record traffic, revenue, and the launch of PeekAnalytics) and downs (Hurricane Sandy took out our servers and hit us hard; I also lost two memorable employees), but overall, it was the most accomplished year of my professional life and I feel very good about 2013.
My 2012 new years resolution was to lose ~20lbs and keep it off for good – and I accomplished that goal. How? My doctor and I dubbed my diet “Atkinsonian,” in that I eat very few carbs from Monday through Thursday, and I eat whatever I want on Friday through Sunday. Another bonus, my LDL cholesterol is down 60 points and I have more energy.
Our cat, Tefta, passed away. She was my birthday gift to Kejda in May 2007. We sort of rescued Tefta from a crazy cat lady (picture a 1br apartment with at least 40 cats). We estimate that she lived to some age between 10 and 12. We miss her and her calm and generous temperament.
Spent a lot of time studying the decline and fall of the Roman republic and empire. (url1) (url2) (url3)
Moved back to downtown Manhattan (after a one year experiment in the Upper West Side).
Sites I started reading every day: ZeroHedge and Marginal Revolution.
Favorite restaurants we discovered this year: Matilda, Da Mikele, Villa Mosconi.
My resolution for 2013: no excuses.